
How to cool your car rapidly after long-time exposure?

After exposure for several hours in the hot sun, many people will immediately open their air conditioner inside the car not knowing that a lot of energy is wasted. Are there other ways to quickly cool your car? We collected several methods widely circulated online, carried on some experiments for each to compare the effect. Here are our experiment results.

car sun visor

Switching the door: the easiest
When the cars temperature is high, closing all the windows and doors, turning on the air conditioner "forcing" to cool the temperature is some of the inexperienced new drivers will do. In fact, the simplest way is, starting the vehicle, opening all the windows, then rolling down the window of the cab side door, switching the Vice cab door repeatedly for 10 times. Within two minutes, no need to open the AC, the interior temperature can be dropped by nearly 5 degrees Celsius.
Reminder: open the main door car can just roll down the front passenger window, this is better than fully open the door, so you can prevent the door hinge rust.

To spray the car: ineffective
After exposure, the car can not be cooled by "showers" immediately like a man after strenuous exercise should not take a cold shower immediately. Automotive metal parts have the same thermal expansion and contraction characteristics of the vehicle after exposure, the paint surface temperature will be up to 70 degrees or even higher. When spray the vehicle, it can easily lead to damaging of the paint, the paint chips and other parts. Besides, after high-speed driving, pouring cold water to cool the engine and the tire will directly affect the life of the engine and the tire since their temperature is too high.

Using the sun visor: the most convenient
When the vehicle is parked, placing windshield visors at the front and rear, so sunlight can be prevented that the inside temperature rises slower to achieve the cooling effect. The principle of which is that: the visor usually made of tin foil, its material has a good reflection effect, can block 80% of the solar light. The windshield film at the front and rear can also be considered, its prices are generally over hundreds of dollars.
car sun visor

More tips
Owners not only need to consider the transportation and other issues, he should also take into account to prevent the problem of vehicle exposure in the hot sun as much as possible and park the car in the cool air. Last but not least, a nice 5 layers thick aluminum foil Car Sun Visor can have the best cool effect than the normal one.

